Header Better Off

How you'll become better off financially

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Giving up smoking will help you feel better, look better and obviously smell better. Naturally it'll put cash back in your purse or wallet too.

How much you could 'make'

If you smoke an average $25 pack each day, here's how much more money you'd have:

Cost of smoking

What you do is up to you

You don't need us to tell you what to do with all the money that goes back in your budget when you give up smoking. However, don't forget to reward yourself personally for the effort you're putting into quitting and the money you're saving.

As you'll be getting your taste buds back, maybe have a lovely dinner out each month you're off the durries, or a luxury weekend away, or a special purchase. It's up to you.

Write down (and tick off) a wish list and it'll give you even more incentive to stay on track with your giving up goal.